Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Stimulating Hair Growth!

These are a few recipe mixes I found that are said to stimulate effective hair growth!!!!Definitely worth a try and just from experience, I can testify that natural oils are the best way to stimulate the scalp and keep the blood flowing. I will be trying these different ones out! Hope this helps!

Hair ReGrowth Hot Oil Conditioner
3 drops of essential oil of thyme
3 drops of essential oil of lavender
3 drops of essential oil of rosemary
3 drops of essential oil of cedarwood
1/8 cup of grapeseed oil
1/8 cup of jojoba oil

Apply at night, to scalp in thinning areas. Do not rinse out till morning.
Hair Growth Castile Shampoo Recipe
Great for thinning hair and hair loss
3 oz Liquid Castile Soap
1 teaspoons Burdock Root
1 teaspoon Stinging Nettles (herb)
1 teaspoon Horsetail
1 cup distilled water

Steep the herbs and water in a covered pan for 30 minutes. Strain and allow to cool. Mix with remaining ingredients then bottle.

Hair Growth Stimulating Scalp Scrub Recipe
2 Tablespoons Jojoba, Almond or Olive Oil
2-3 Tablespoons Brown Sugar
3 drops of essential oil of cypress
3 drops of essential oil of lavender
3 drops of essential oil of rosemary
3 drops of essential oil of cedarwood

In a small bowl mix ingredients. Add enough sugar to make a thin paste Do not heat the oil as this will melt the sugar.

To Use: Wet hair in shower.If you have styling products in hair, apply a little conditioner to make hair more pliable, rinse. Take a heaping scoop of the scrub and apply to scalp, separating hair to reach entire scalp. In circular motion, scrub the scalp with the mixture for 5 minutes. Rinse well, then shampoo and condition hair as normal.

Hair Loss Treatment to Add to Shampoo
15 drops jojoba oil
8 drops carrot oil
7 drops rosemary oil
7 drops lavender oil
2 drops tea tree oil

Add these Oils to any 8-10 once shampoo bottle. Use as normal

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